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How To Prep Your Home!


This is Carissa Bottensek with Smith Realty Group in beautiful Lane County Oregon. I appreciate you taking your time to read my blog. I wanted to touch base on some great tips to prep your home if you are thinking of selling in the near future. When I walk through a home with a buyer not only do I notice the homes smell, personal items, and clutter but so do they. The little details matter when you're trying to create appeal to a prospect buyer. Please read below on a couple tips to grab not deter a buyer's attention.

- I'm going to start off with one of our senses that can cause a buyer to pay more attention to that rather than the home itself, and that is the smell of the home. We all love our pets, but I have been in homes were the smell of our furry friends caused us to rush through the home rather than enjoying it's features. My suggestion if you have cats is to lock them in a carrier if possible and move the litter boxes to an outside space during the showing. This will eliminate the strong smell that emanates from those areas. A wet dog smell can also be a distracting. My suggestion is to remove dog beds, blankets, and kennel them in a safe place during the showing. I have been in the situation where the owner of the home had left the dog out and made my clients very uncomfortable. Again, I love my fur babies just as much as anyone, but it's not the time for them to meet new people and can cause a very large issue if the pet decides that they don't like someone.

-Clutter in a home is one of the largest issues I run into when showing my clients properties. It takes a lot for someone to imagine what their home would look like if someone's personal items are blocking the vision for them. I would suggest boxing up a majority of your personal belongings and storing them away as best as possible. It helps to keep the home more simplistic, and fresh for people to be able to visualize their things being there.

-One of the things I didn't realize was an issue before I started showing a lot clients were that they will open cabinets all over the home. Whether it's in the kitchen to the cabinets in the master bathroom this can be pretty invasive for homeowners especially cabinets that have become the catch all's. I would recommend cleaning out all the cabinets in your home of the things that you don't need any more, and storing sensitive items away that will not be visible to buyer's opening the cabinet door or the draws.

These are just a couple tips to start before your home hits the market.

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